Make it Dayton Festival
Carillon Park, Dayton, Ohio
Oct. 5, 2019
Here are both finished pictures for the day.

There were three different events that I could have chosen from to do chalk art this particular Saturday. The biggest of which was Chalk the Block at Easton in Columbus, which would have been my 4th year. Long before the Chalk the Block date was announced I signed up for the "Makers Festival" at Carillon Park in Dayton. Chalk the Block was traditionally the following weekend so I thought I would be okay to do both. Unfortunately it turned out to be the same weekend. There was also a chalk event in Springfield the very same weekend. I wasn't sure which event to choose, but I decided to go with the "Makers Festival."
I believe that this event turned out to be the best choice. I was the only person doing chalk art, it was close to home in Dayton, and it was a good way to get better known in my area. It turned out to be a beautiful day. It was a bit cool in the morning, but it warmed up nicely and ended up being hot in the afternoon.
I chose to do a reproduction of photo of the Wright Brothers 1905 plane with the brothers. It was a photo that had never seen before of them on the Huffman prairie with their barn and plane casually leaning on the wing and chatting. Because I was positioned right under the NCR pool tower, I also decided to do a second picture of the NCR pool.
I finished the larger one of the Wright Brothers first, by about 1pm and then went on to do the other picture of the NCR pool. I finished both pictures by 3pm with only on complication:
I was just finishing up with my second picture and hadn't even taken a picture of it yet, when I turned around to find a child in the middle of it twisting and turning around. I yelled at him and his mother came to get him, she was so embarrassed. I was so mad, but tried not to show it. I hated to think what his pants looked like though! I proceeded to fix my picture and go on. That was a first, that's for sure. Later that afternoon my own grandson crawled right through my larger picture...Oh well...that's the way it goes!
I was just finishing up with my second picture and hadn't even taken a picture of it yet, when I turned around to find a child in the middle of it twisting and turning around. I yelled at him and his mother came to get him, she was so embarrassed. I was so mad, but tried not to show it. I hated to think what his pants looked like though! I proceeded to fix my picture and go on. That was a first, that's for sure. Later that afternoon my own grandson crawled right through my larger picture...Oh well...that's the way it goes!
It was a great day. I finished quickly and it wasn't too hot. It was a nice venue. It was unpaid, so I put a tip jar out and made a small amount of money to take us out to dinner.
This is my last event for the season, happy to be finished in some ways, but disappointed in others. Looking forward to next season!
Ready to begin!
Here is my spot. It's a nice one!
All taped off and ready to go!
This is the photo I worked from. Love how casual the brothers are!
The sketch.
Just getting started.
First layer complete.
After wetting the first layer to make the chalk adhere better.
The view during my lunch break.
Almost finished!
All finished!
Tape off...looks great!
My second picutre: Old River Pool at NCR.
This is right after the child decided to sit in the middle of my picture. Notice the sign I added?!
Still came out pretty good even with the mishap! Notice how fuzzy the building is?
Still looks pretty good though!
Tired but happy with my work!
This is to give you an idea of where my artwork was.
My grandson after crawling through my picture! Fixed it pretty easily though!
So proud of both of these!
Too bad it had to rain the next day! I guess the pictures disappeared pretty quickly!
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