Saturday, September 14, 2019

Plain City Chalk Art Festival

Plain City Chalk Art Festival

Sept. 14, 2019

Attended the first ever Plain City Chalk Art Festival. I thought I was going to have to miss, because I had been sick with a cold the week before. I was feeling better, so I decided to go. 
Fortunately I had picked some easy to do. I had already planned to do this design and it certainly turned out to be the best since I wasn't feeling too great that day. I wanted to create something that looked like it was growing out of a crack in the blacktop. I worried if it would be successful....and it was!
I got the last chalking spot that morning. It worked out perfectly for my design since it already had a crack at the bottom of it. Since I wasn't doing a background, I didn't have to measure and tape off my square. This saved me loads of time. I was the last person to arrive that day, but the first to finish. I was almost finished by lunch time, I took a break for lunch and then put the finishing touches on it after lunch and headed home by 2:30 long before anyone was even close to being finished! Which was great, since my cold was getting the better of me by the end and I had over an hour's drive to home.

 The final design turned out just great! The illusion was successful!

 All ready to measuring or taping this time!

 The sketch.

 Step 1

 Step 2

 Step 3

 Step 4

 Coming along!

 These cuties came to visit me!

 Time to take a break for lunch....

Added some more color and shadows after lunch.

 All finished!

Looks pretty good! The effect of growing out of the pavement certainly worked!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Luther Rose

Luther Rose

Created at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Kettering

September 7, 2019

I had the opportunity to create the Luther Rose again for a friend of mine, Carrie, at her church, Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Kettering. She saw the one I created last year and she wanted me to do it for their church picnic. I did it Saturday evening so it would be ready for Sunday morning. I arrived about 3:30 and finished about 6:00pm. It was a nice evening working and visiting with Carrie.

 Step 1
 Step 2
 Step 3
 Step 4

 Step 5
 Step 6
 All finished!
 Tired but happy to be finished! Only too about 3 hours!

Carrie and me!
 Where it was located at the door.
 Finished Product
All covered and ready for the night, before it will be unveiled the next morning!