Plain City Chalk Art Festival
Sept. 14, 2019
Attended the first ever Plain City Chalk Art Festival. I thought I was going to have to miss, because I had been sick with a cold the week before. I was feeling better, so I decided to go.
Fortunately I had picked some easy to do. I had already planned to do this design and it certainly turned out to be the best since I wasn't feeling too great that day. I wanted to create something that looked like it was growing out of a crack in the blacktop. I worried if it would be successful....and it was!
I got the last chalking spot that morning. It worked out perfectly for my design since it already had a crack at the bottom of it. Since I wasn't doing a background, I didn't have to measure and tape off my square. This saved me loads of time. I was the last person to arrive that day, but the first to finish. I was almost finished by lunch time, I took a break for lunch and then put the finishing touches on it after lunch and headed home by 2:30 long before anyone was even close to being finished! Which was great, since my cold was getting the better of me by the end and I had over an hour's drive to home.
The final design turned out just great! The illusion was successful!
All ready to measuring or taping this time!
The sketch.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Coming along!
These cuties came to visit me!
Time to take a break for lunch....
Added some more color and shadows after lunch.
All finished!
Looks pretty good! The effect of growing out of the pavement certainly worked!