Schiller Park 6/26/2017
Haus Und Garten Tour 2017
This Chalk Art event was sponsored by the German Village Society as part of their 2017 Garden Tour. It was a great day, I had a great shady spot under a tree that stayed shady all day! Although it made it difficult to photograph my artwork, it was a great place to work!
I actually began the night before when I came over to paint my space before I began. This is the first time I've tried to paint my space. It did make a nice even surface to work on, but it did have a much different feel to it. Still trying to decide if I will do it again or not.
I really struggled with this one. Doing a landscape with difficult. Too many greens! It seemed like it looked like a green blog for the longest time!
I got so involved with my art that I didn't take too many process pictures this time.
Almost finished! before removing the tape.
It finally came together!
Here I am tired, but satisfied with my work!
All finished and cleaned up. Looks pretty good after all!
A thank you to the Greater Columbus Arts Council for the funds for my chalk!
Finished Product!